Thursday, March 24, 2011

a much needed thankful thought.

today is one of those days.
feeling tired, emotionally and physically.
all of the cleaning and the de-cluttering and the fixing and the day to day stuff has left me drained.
the weather is not helping either.
it is gray and dreary and cold here in the NYC and it seems like this winter is never going to end.
i haven't been sleeping well.
if i don't clean up the house daily it snowballs into a gigantic hurricane mess.
so my thankful thought for today is this:
i am thankful that i have a house to get messy and to clean up.
i am thankful for children healthy enough to argue over clothes and shoes in the morning.
i am thankful for a husband who wakes me up every morning @ 4 am because he has a job to get to.
i am thankful for a stinky puppy boy that keeps me company, even if he IS stinky:)
i am thankful for me and the fact that even though the day is grim, i WILL get through it... because the best thing that God ever made was one day after another.
i just have to hang on until tomorrow.
it is always better.

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