Monday, July 25, 2011

summer freebie # 10: 3 paper peonies:)

one of my lifestyle goals is (and has been for about 4 years) to minimize the way i scrap.
for many years my hobby was pretty much product driven. being on design teams and making pages for my mom's store dictated how and why i did make pages and layouts.
since then i purged(successfully) and have stuck to a plan.
the space in our home is very, very limited and in my old age i have found myself being more and more bothered with clutter. i REALLY like one photo pages, but it just takes up too much space...along with 12x12 albums.
SO, that has left me with 8.5x11 and smaller.
my digital pages are almost always printed as 8x8 and now as i am getting back into paper, i am limited to filling up the 8.5x11 binders that are already in place on my bookshelves.
so we get to the freebie part:)
follow the link and get to this really cool collage freebie from three paper peonies.
i modified it a little and added a brush from karla dudley for my title.
later on (after i finish de-cluttering) i'll print it out and make a nice little cohesive page with 10 pictures on it:)
nice and simple.
just how i like it!

the template out of the printer.

trimmed and with the edges sanded with a block.

journaling added on a piece of vellum and stapled on.

i also added a few photo corners and a little tab @ the top of the page.
and just like that a little more of the paper stash is used:)

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