today was the first day in about 2 weeks where i have been totally alone in the house.
i'll admit, sometimes i miss being by myself, but today i have just felt without direction.
don't me wrong....i have a bazillion things to do, but i am feeling soooooooo drained.
i have been too busy taking zoe to her doctor's appointments and then to my own and then to getting the house restocked and cleaned and old things thrown out and new things purchased.
so hectic that i always feel like i am a hamster on a wheel.
the only time i really feel ok is when i am ready to go to bed and i KNOW that i can rest without feeling guilty.
these days i have been using chloe's kindle to read, but yesterday she took it away.
need to get back to the heavier ipad again.
thankfully i always have the cloud reader.
sometimes i feel sooooooooo futuristic:)